Well there's something to be said for the power of good friends. When we lived in Lethbridge Kodi spent a lot of time with Dallin Cooper. They were 7 or 8 years old and went to cubs together, then scouts and on to Venturers. Then Coopers moved to Stirling. Then, a few years later, we moved to Stirling. Dallin reported to the MTC a day early on Tuesday May 10th. Kodi happened to be ushering for Neil L. Anderson who was the weekly devotional speaker. I don't know the details yet but these two good friends, members of the same ward here in Stirling, now full time missionaries met up. Hugs were exchanged and they spent some time together.
I was golfing in Raymond Men's league Thursday and hadn't had a chance to read Kodi's letter yet. Doug, Dallin's father was also there and mentioned that Dallin had emailed home and told the same story.
Kodi's experiences to date have all been so uplifting for us but we felt that we weren't getting enough info about all the experiences he was having. So we asked him to write longer letters and tell us more of the things he was experiencing. Lo and Behold he was obedient. Here's the letter.
Dear Mom,
It is hard to believe that I have been here for a month!!! It is absolutely mind blowing!!! Ok, where do i begin? hmm, well I will start by saying it is amazing here, the language is coming so fast it is crazy! This past Tuesday we have what is called TRC, it is a teaching resource center where you teach actual investigators, and this lady that Elder Dowdle and I taught, was from Venezuela. She is a new convert but she had confusion about the Plan of Salvation. She is barely older than I am, and she is preparing for the temple. When Elder Dowdle and I started teaching she told us she had problems with the Palabara De Sageduria, (Word of Wisdom) so we taught the importance of word of wisdom in our lives and promised her in the name of Jesus Christ that if she obeyed this law of God that she would experience better physical, mental and spiritual health. Which lead to her asking about the Plan de Salvacion. She lost her grandpa to cancer no more than 2 weeks ago, and she asked why if we obey the word of wisdom does God still let us get terminal illnesses, and we told her through the spirit that because we obey Gods commandments doesn't mean never getting sick again, but was merely a way of testing our faith in God and trusting in him and continuing in the path of righteousness in the light of Christ. Which led right into the plan of salvation by us promising her that she will see her beloved grandfather again. We taught her about life before this and also the life after. BAM!!! her face began to change, tears flowed down her eyes, she was figity, her face began to glow, my chest began to burn. I said words I never before knew. Elder Dowdle looked at me like I was crazy, but I relied solemente sobre el Espiritu (solely on the spirit) I again promised her that she will again she her grandfather, (btw, she lived with her grandparents since she was little because her father left and her mother didn't want anything to do with her and her siblings. Sick person eh?) I told her that when dealing with this hardship...(put this in your quote book) ..."When life gets too hard to stand...Kneel." She literally bawled after that, there was a moment where we paused to receive revelation, and for her to compose herself again. We then asked her to pray with us, and we knelt and prayed together, and she said the prayer. Our teacher (who is currently evaluating us, sitting outside the door) is crying, and after the visit was over, we went back to the prep room, and we were speechless. In those 35 mins teaching, I cant explain it, my chest felt like it was on fire. After that was personal study during which I cried unto my Heavenly Father thanking him for the Spirit felt during that experience... It is reasons like this that you should go on a mission, the spirit is strong and people are waiting for you to teach them, in this case, it was for reconfirmation that she will see her grandfather again. Last night at the devotional Niel L. Anderson spoke and I got to usher him in. I also met Dallin so I was sooooooo happy. He gave me the biggest hug and told me the words you gave him lol. "I LOVE YOU " and "LAY OFF THAT CAFETERIA FOOD EH ". It was so nice seeing him here!!! I have one month left, can you believe it???
As soon as you get the family pics back from Shanna, send one to me in a frame please. Is it bad to think I have almost forgotten what everyone looks like :S?
Oh and Mom I am terribly sorry for not calling, I would've but being in the MTC they dont want 2600 missionaries calling home entienden? lol I really wanted to talk to you about everything but with the situation i couldn't. Everybody has been getting sick here, its nasty. I hope you guys get better. I love the long letters you send me. It makes me happy! Thank you for the ties they are SWEET!!! :) I hope all of you are doing great and dont miss me too much lol...
Yo sé que mi Salvador vives, él amas todos nosotros, y él quiere nosotros a regresar y vive con él y Su Padre, nuestro Padre Celestial. Lel quiero mucho!!! Le quiero mi misión, y estoy grande! Mamá, gracias por tú espiritu, y gracias por tú ejemplo. Papá, guardar hace qué usted hace! usted Segnifice muchos cosas para mi. Teiler, Le quiero mucho, Usted servia una misión, una maravilloso trabajo es sobre venir, usted puede ayuda. En el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.
Yours always and eternally...
Elder Maki
p.s Teiler... Shut Up I'm Better Than You
It's cool that Kodi and Dallin were able to be in the MTC together. Alex Hogenson will arrive the day after Kodi leaves the MTC. Numerous others from our ward are starting their mission papers. Others serving are preparing to come home soon. We could see as many as 11 missionaries serving from our ward.
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