Ok so this past week was painful in a lot of ways, the work went well, and...I GOT ATTACKED BY A FREAKING DOG!!! so i got a nice bruise on my arm from where he bit me and a nice gash in my leg from where he got me and the infection that came after... i got bit on wednesday...and...i gots pics of it! lol anyway. about the emailing thing, i am allowed to recieve emails from others, but i just cant email back to them, only through family who can forward that letter, its what president said awhile back. and i am getting pretty dark lol, the good ol' Miami sun is taking its toll lol. half way up the neck and from just about the elbows down lol. legs are SUPER white! lol. i got a nice bracelet tan and a watch tan even a ring tan lol... we met a lot of really cool people this past week and only had 1 gator at church.. but she is super solid... so from getting in super close bike wrecks with the comp. and getting bit by the dog and after punching it in the face, its been an interesting week.
Teiler is tall! so what kind of car did he get???? And that would be a great idea for me getting a car 8 months from now :S that is a scary thought. .... when i entered the MTC, the Letters MTC meant missionary torture...training Center lol, now they mean Make Time Count. it leaves me only 8 months to do all i can to bring as many souls unto Christ as i can. i also have been reading a really special song that David and I sang for a baptism. ask him to translate it for you but i will write the lyrics at the end of the letter... I didn't get an email from T-Rod either btw, para que sepan. (so that you know), last letter from David was pretty cool actually, so i guess it is definitely in the plans that him and i are living together after the mission, and i want to be a physical therapist now and he wants to be a chiropractor, i love that guy! . how is james doing on his mission??????? what is his maling address?????? and whats the dealio with Ryan?????? so here is the song but thank you for the booster letter, i love you all. have fun on vacation! i bet i am warmer than you still!
Te Hallare Mi Querido Amigo
Antes que vinieramos al mundo
Vivimos con amigos amados
El concilio se junto, el plan resulto
El libre albedrio se nos dio
Dijo el Senor encuentra mis ovejas
Que en el mundo perdidos estan
Le prometi que yo si lo haria
Por mi la verdad obtendran
Te Hallare mi querido amigo
El plan te ensenare
Aceptame cuando te encuentre
Y la verdad te mostrare
Recuerda que el valor de las almas
Es grande en la vista de Dios
Es hermoso encontrar
Las ovejas del Senor
Hay que ensenar a sus hijos
Pues listas almas habran
se sabe que la obra del Senor
por el mundo marcha con fervor
y si tu gozo es grande con un alma
Ensenada y traida a mi
Que feliz el corazon se exalta
al traerlos hacia mi
Te Hallare mi querido amigo
El plan te ensenare
Aceptame cuando te encuentre
Y la verdad te mostrare
Recuerda que el valor de las almas
Es grande en la vista de Dios
Es hermoso encontrar
Las ovejas del Senor
Es Hermoso encontrar
Las ovejas del Senor.
This dog bite incidents is cause by irresponsibility of the owners. But dogs give people some warning through their barks and howls. For me, stepping back and moving on a different direction is the way to go when I’m in a situation like this. Anyway, have you reported it to the authorities? I think you should so that the owner will be given a fair warning to be responsible for his dog. And have your wounds checked in the hospital so that you will be given proper treatment.